DOT Oral Fluid Collector Training Now Available, Click Here To Register!  

DOT Oral Fluid Collector Training Course (Mocks Not Included)

This training does not include mock collections. 

This is a comprehensive computer based remote training for DOT oral fluid specimen collections.  You can complete this training from the comfort of your home or office.  This course is the first step to qualify you to conduct DOT oral fluid specimens, and you will receive a certificate of completion.  As specified in DOT regulations 49 CFR Part 40; you are required to learn 49 CFR Part 40 specifically Section 40.35. You are also required to complete the required proficiency demonstration (Mock Collections) which are not included in this course.

The specimen collector is an essential person in any drug testing program. It is imperative the collector is professionally trained and supervised. This oral fluid specimen collector training will provide a collector with all the basic information necessary to ensure professional and correct oral fluid collections.



This training program offers a thorough computer-based remote education on the collection of oral fluid specimens for the Department of Transportation (DOT). Participants can conveniently complete the training from their home or office environment. In accordance with DOT regulations outlined in 49 CFR Part 40, participants who complete this course will fulfill the requirements specified in Section 40.35, thereby enabling them to serve as oral fluid collectors within the DOT drug testing program. After finishing this instructional course, you will receive a certificate of completion.

Participants will then need to undertake a live proficiency demonstration involving mock collections, which is not included in this course. You will also need your certificate of completing the mock collections to be fully qualified as a DOT Oral Fluid Collector.

This course includes additional resources that must be reviewed before completing the course.

The course features insights from industry experts, including attorney Andrew Easler and drug testing specialist Joe Reilly.

The course will not include instant or rapid (POCT) testing, as it is not applicable for DOT drug screening. This course covers DOT Oral Flluid Collections in all States in the USA plus Canada and Mexico. 

This course consists of a concise introduction, a regulatory "study period," a comprehensive presentation and a written examination.

  • Participants will acquire the skills necessary to conduct oral fluid specimen collections accurately and in accordance with the Department of Transportation’s 49 CFR Part 40 guidelines for oral fluid pecimen collection.
  • Students will learn to effectively utilize the resources available for drug screening collections when required. Additionally, participants will become acquainted with industry-specific terminology, acronyms, and other commonly used jargon.
  • Learners will gain knowledge of all essential steps to complete a collection accurately, including the proper completion and submission of the Custody and Control Form (CCF) or electronic CCF, as well as managing problematic collections.  
  • A certificate will be awarded upon completion of this course, enabling participants to move forward to perform the required mock collections (these mocks are not included in this course.
  • Participants will achieve professional certification as a DOT oral fluid specimen collector once the required mock collections are completed and certificate issued for the mocks.

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DOT Oral Fluid Collector Training Course (Mocks Not Included)


DOT Oral Fluid Collector Training Course (Mocks Included)


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